Tuesday, January 03, 2006

As the new year starts I've got loads of feelings (mostly good, but not all), wishes, fears, and even some confusion going on. The Christmas season came and went like a speeding train, and it actually went far, far better than it might have. I gained back some pounds between Thanksgiving and Christmas, but I'm still down a lot from my high in 2005. It remains to be seen if I can get back on my program and continue the weight loss. Still ~ 50 lbs. to go! Man, that is A LOT of treadmill time.

I decided to stop playing drums at church .... maybe for a while, maybe for good. I haven't felt real connected playing there. I've played in church before and it was a powerful way to pray and worship, but anymore, at this church, I just feel like I'm doing a lame job and not really helping the music all that much. The music is great, I'm just not great for the music.

On the other hand, I'm still in two bands (The Epics and The Falcons), and will continue with both. Playing is such an important part of how I see myself, and a source of pride and satisfaction. It doesn't really make sense financially 'cause I spend about as much as I make, and when you figure in rehearsals, etc. it doesn't pay much. But it is still important and I'm lucky I get to do it with such talented people. Music is a very good thing. It is also a way to make a tangible contribution to the world ... it is great to see people dancing and having a good time, away from troubles and work.

More to say, but out of time.


Blogger tschy said...

gooster....use this blog to post the dates/times/locations that the Epics and Falcons are playing. i'll bet you can talk a few of us in to coming....

7:35 PM  
Blogger goostermon said...

That is a very good idea T. Also, anyone can check out:
One of the guys in the band handles the site and will post performance dates. We'll be at Steinerts in February.
I'd be positively thrilled to look out and see you there.

6:50 AM  

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