Friday, January 06, 2006

T.'s blog about things to be happy about made me want to think about things to be happy about in my own life, particularly since I haven't been acting particularly thrilled lately, even though I am mostly pretty darn happy.

However, I had to go to a doctor today for a shoulder problem I'm having, and it is not the easiest thing to write about things to be happy about under those particular circumstances. But I decided to try, especially since my poor wife is worried that I'm not happy.

Here goes:
The doctor visit was good and made me happy because:
I didn’t have to wait hardly at all.
He was very nice.
He confirmed everything that Dr. Neeley (a chiropractor) said, firming up my already confident confidence in him.
I don’t have to have surgery on my shoulder – at least not now. (I have “significant” arthritis in the joint and two bone spurs that push into the rotator cuff – that’s what causes the pain.)
He gave me two cortisone shots into the joint, and I’m hopeful that they will help.
I was afraid the shots would hurt a lot but they didn’t.
He gave me an Rx for a new anti-inflammatory drug that might help.
He told me to start taking vitamin B6 - maybe that will help, too.
He gave me explicit instructions regarding exercise – what to do and what not to do.
It is clear that the exercise I was doing aggravated the problem – a lot.
Now, I know how to proceed.

More and even gooder reasons to be happy:
Just talked to BB – he is planning on going back to work at least part-time on Monday.
He is signing up for more school today – classes begin Monday.
So, he is really feeling much better.

Also way good reasons:
I love my lovely wife.
She loves me back.
It’s Friday.

All-in-all .... MUCH better than it could be.


Blogger Tara said...

The very best time to make a list of things to be happy about is when your aren't feeling particularly happy. Your list was good. Glad Brad is better. Maybe he will blog soon. Is he going to get to go on his ski trip?

12:14 PM  
Blogger goostermon said...

No, no ski trip for Brad. He's just about to begin another (second) round of steroids ... they seemed to help a lot the first time around. He just went to his apartment for ther first time in three weeks the other day, just to see his cats, I think. The chiropractor has helped him a lot, but it is a slow process. I think that this is a result of his fall back in 9th grade, it just took this long to rear its' ugly head. However, the chiropractor seems to think that he will make a full, back to 100% healthy recovery, so that's great.

8:43 AM  
Blogger goostermon said...

Oh, but by the way, he is supposed to try going back to work part-time on Monday and he's trying to get back into a class he had registered for, that also starts Monday. A big leap back into things after so much down time.

8:45 AM  

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