Well, here's the thing about focusing on things I'm happy about. It really works ... but I ended up so happy that I bought my wife a car! Actually, this is a good thing and needed to happen, but it can kind of sneak up on 'ya. Like we went out Saturday morning in sweats, got coffee at Starbucks and decided to just mosey on down to a little car lot near the house. Low and behold! They had a car we liked .... go figure. But - since we are mature thoughtful people - we did not rush right in and buy it, we went to two different lots and looked there as well. But the bottom line is that by 5:00 that evening we had closed a deal and drove off with a 2005 Camry. It was a very good deal, and I'm happy we did it, but you'd think after all these years of buying and selling things that I'd show just a little more restraint. Exactly the opposite is true. I spend so much time buying things (my job is purchasing), that once I know that the deal is as good as it is likely to get, I see no sense in waiting .... BAM. Sign here, sir. Also, where we live (Hurstbourne Parkway and Taylorsville Rd. in Louisville, for those familiar) there are literally more cars for sale in one small area than I bet anyplace else on earth. It's nuts.
Susan was a wee bit nervous about the whole process, but in the end trusted me and now is very happy with the car. This is her birthday present, and it is a good one, except for all the times I'll now get to say, "No, sorry we can't do that 'cause we have a new car payment." I hope it still seems like a good present then! She was also very patient and good through all the negotiating, which can be difficult for a lot of people.
Susan was a wee bit nervous about the whole process, but in the end trusted me and now is very happy with the car. This is her birthday present, and it is a good one, except for all the times I'll now get to say, "No, sorry we can't do that 'cause we have a new car payment." I hope it still seems like a good present then! She was also very patient and good through all the negotiating, which can be difficult for a lot of people.
this reminds me of a long and boring story about when i bought a car for my wife about 3 months ago.
it was pretty exciting, b/c it was the first time i tried to buy a car from a dealer and not a person in the classifieds. long story short, i couldn't juke the dealer out of enough money to satisfy my own ability to negotiate, so i left and bought a similar one for $3000 less.
the moral of the story:(or perhaps my own personal lesson) don't buy from lots, anyone who has any experience selling or buying for a living will tell you that :)
oops, forgot to mention that i bought the cheaper car from some gal, and not a dealership.
Back in the day (meaning when I was much younger) I did the same fooie. Anymore, I don't have the energy to wrangle with a bunch of people to sell the not-very-valuable trade that we had (a fact I failed to mention) and then do the search, mechanic checks, etc. that go along with buying from an individual. Also, now that we have internet tools, like edmunds.com, I found I was able to get about as good a deal on balance as I would have with individuals (I could understand someone taking issue with that statement). Much of that may be due to being older. It really is true that the older you get the more respect you get from bankers, etc. It is a drag but it's still true. And what I do for a living is buy stuff (purchasing).
"And what I do for a living is buy stuff (purchasing)."
yeah, i was trying to make a joke withis this comment: "anyone who has any experience selling or buying for a living will tell you that :)" i guess my dry wit didn't come through electronically.
kudos to your good purchase. i look forward to getting older and becoming apathetic. (okay, i am just kidding this time)
we considered getting a camrey. I like to call them "cam-ray". when i buy my next car, you'll have to go. :)
sorry to have missed your joke ... going too fast for my own good apparently .... usually your quick wit and ironicalisms are a source of good fun.. BTW, I also liked "Ha-Whoa" ... I've often wondered how to spell that, and now I know. It made me laugh out loud, as a matter of fact.
let me know when Cam-ray shopping day comes up - happy to attend.
Hi Dave!
I wrote your contact info down on a pad at work, and I never remember to call until I am not at work. Would you mind sending me the UPS shipping info at jeff.renshaw@oig.hhs.gov?
I spoke to Kathy and she said that, between the two of you, you have a monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc for Brad to use. I'll only be shipping the CPU.
Thanks Dave! Isn't it about time that you blog another blog?
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