Saturday, January 28, 2006

Has anyone else noticed that Blogging is the high-tech version of CB radios? We all have a "handle" and send our thoughts out into space for anyone to "hear" who is on our same frequency. The only difference is that we are not limited to real-time conversation. I guess instant messaging is more like a CB radio. Well also, a difference is that we are not ragged truckers with missing teeth making lewd comments to each other about chicks we pass in cars as we toodle down the highway. Well, okay another difference is that we don't give each other traffic info, or the location of speed traps, or opinions about the merits of the country fried steak at the truck stop in Memphis, IN. I guess another difference is that we are not all on speed just to stay awake, most of us know nothing about spending 18 out of 24 hours everyday alone in a moving vehicle, or the typical travel time between every major city in the country.

Okay, there ain't hardly nothing the same about us and CB radio users. Forget I ever brought it up.


Blogger fooiemcgoo said...

best blog ever.

12:52 PM  

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